Children’s Counseling

My job is to help children have the skills necessary to deal with life's challenges and to work through big emotions.

Life can be overwhelming and difficult sometimes, even for children. Most parents who bring in their children for counseling feel lost in what to do and how to help their child. They’re looking for some extra support for themselves and their child. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe your child is demonstrating behavioral outbursts that make you feel stuck as a parent. Or maybe your child has gone through something difficult, and you want to make sure that they are okay. Some caregivers have noticed a change in their child, they might seem unhappy, withdrawn, angry, or tearful.

Whatever it is, you love your child and want them to live the best life possible.

Does Your Child Seem Sad, Frustrated or Anxious?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You’ve noticed a change in your child and you want your child back.

  • Your child has intense emotions that are confusing, disheartening, embarrassing and sometimes frustrating.

  • Your child is no longer interested in the same things they were before.

  • Your child started regressing and is acting younger than they are.

  • School has become harder and harder. Maybe their grades are declining, they are having behavioral issues, or they just don't want to go to school anymore.

  • You've recently been through a change or a traumatic incident, and your child is having trouble coping.

If this sound true for you, I want you to know that you're not alone and there is nothing wrong with your child. Children deal with big emotions, just like adults, but without the experience of knowing how to cope. It takes insight as a parent to know when your child needs a little extra help and it takes strength to reach out for that help. We all need extra care from time to time.

How Children’s Counseling Can Help

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where your child can...

  • be a kid again

  • cope and control their emotions

  • use skills to deal with big emotions; skills that will last them a lifetime

  • get back to the joy you share together as a family

  • get to the root of the problems and solve them together.

Give your family more joy

Children's counseling helps your child rise above challenges and provides them with the growth and support they need to manage their big emotions. Children’s counseling is a benefit for the whole family; it reduces stress in the home which allows you more time to bond and create meaningful relationship with your children.

Your children will gain the effective skills they need to communicate and work through tough feelings and tough situations. Additionally, you will learn how best to talk to and support your child.

I've helped families who are overwhelmed with their child's emotions and behaviors to feel more connected and more joy. The families I work with discover that it's possible to work through difficult situations together.

Let’s Discover How I Can Help

Ready to start or maybe want more information? Contact me today! I’m here to help. Together we can find our way through this. Call/Text me for your free phone consultation at 817-989-9945.

Email me today at I'm here for you.